Characters of the Imagination 4402 A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far away...
Years after the Battle of Endor, the New Republic still fights the remnants of the once all powerful Empire. The Adian Ward of this galaxy follows Lando Calrissian and his own ideals into the no longer insignificant Rebellion...
-Episode 2.5-
...The Victory at Yavin was a great step for the Rebellion... but as the attack on hoth drove them away, the Empire persists, ever growing in strength and numbers. Many common people around the galaxy are feeling pressure to choose sides...
The Adian Ward in this galaxy is no exception... 9999 1701 Space, The Final Frontier...
Orions, Gorn, Cardassians, Dominion, Klingons and Romulans clash and interact as the Borg appear more often. The Bajorans have cut themselves free of anyone and The United Federation of Planets, after years of turmoil which almost destroyed it, now carries into the future Strong and able...
Adian Ward is a young Bajoran with a turbulent history trying to make something of himself...

Adian in a Galaxy Divided

Adian in Star Trek

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